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varicose veins vs spider veins
Varicose Veins vs. Spider Veins

Walking, running, or even dancing are just some activities humans do naturally and are part of everyday life. However, being able to do it freely can be taken for granted until problems that affect the health of our legs are experienced. Today we will talk about varicose veins vs. spider veins, two issues that increasingly affect more people.

Beautiful and strong legs today are not just a feminine matter; both men and women of all ages want to enjoy health and freedom of movement. Currently, investing in your quality of life, both present and future, is something you can achieve by being attentive to your body’s big and small changes.

Also, you can accomplish this by having specialized medical help that seeks to help you improve your physical well-being.


Varicose veins vs. spider veins: A different problem, but with a lot in common

Did you know that vein problems frequently occur for similar reasons? One of the leading causes is a disease called venous insufficiency, which affects the performance of valves in blood vessels. Even so, it is essential to distinguish between varicose and spider veins. This will allow better health in the legs to be promoted, problems to be treated in time, and the appropriate treatment of spider and varicose veins in each case.

When we talk about varicose veins and spider veins, the main difference is based on this problem’s appearance, severity, timing, and progress of this problem. For some, it is simply a problem of aesthetics. However, for many, it has become something more complex. This is because serious health problems can develop that affect the comfort with which the legs perform their function.


What is a varicose vein, and how is it distinguished?

These are dilated veins that become visible through the skin. It is due to the blood flow that circulates through the veins poorly and causes them to swell and twist under the skin. So begins an enlargement of the vein that becomes more and more evident. In turn, this causes people to feel tired legs, pain, swelling, hot to the touch, bleeding, difficulty sleeping, and other discomforts.

How to distinguish varicose veins:

  • They usually develop in the legs, ankles, and calves.
  • They are large or jumped veins on the surface of the legs.
  • They are reddish, blue, or even bluish-green.
  • They usually twist and form edges.
  • Sores that take time to heal may also develop.


What is a spider vein, and what are its characteristics?

Spider veins are the form of varicose veins in their earliest stage. In the same way, it begins to present dilation in the venous walls and an accumulation of blood. However, these begin to appear in a subtle and even almost invisible way. Spider veins do not distinguish age, as they can start to develop in young men and women, as well as the elderly. And although they usually cause practically no discomfort, it is vital to attend to them since, over time, they can become varicose veins.

Features of spider veins:

  • Spider veins are smaller or thin lines on the legs, feet, buttocks, chest, or face.
  • They are shaped like spider webs or tiny threads less than 1mm in diameter.
  • They are usually reddish, although there are also blue or purple.
  • They do not usually cause pain or swelling.
  • Spider veins don’t always turn into varicose veins.

Practical measures that can relieve the symptoms of varicose veins or spiders

It is important to consider the conditions that can trigger the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins before applying preventive measures or specialized treatments. While some people have a greater tendency because of their family history, others increase their odds due to a sedentary routine, occupations that require prolonged standing, age, or weight gain.

Similarly, women are usually more likely to develop these problems at some point in their lives, such as after pregnancy or menopause. And those who already suffer from spiders or varicose veins may experience more intense symptoms during their menstrual cycle, such as increased heaviness or pain. Occasionally thrombophlebitis can also develop, which are blood clots accompanied by inflammation, so it is necessary not to ignore the signs.

Other factors that can predispose a person to the development of varicose veins are the use of birth control pills or important hormonal influences. Also, it is believed that some conditions cause pressure in the abdomen, such as constipation, tumors, trauma, and exposure or garments use, such as girdles that apply too much pressure. It is worth mentioning that spiders and varicose veins can develop at different points deep under the skin, so sometimes their detection requires specialized technology.

Even so, there are practical measures that can improve varicose veins vs. spider veins:

  •       Elevating your legs above chest level several times a day.
  •       Wearing compression stockings.
  •       Maintaining a healthy weight.
  •       Breaking sedentary habits.
  •       Eat a low-salt diet to reduce bloating and water retention.
  •       If you need to sit or stand for a long time, take breaks every 30 minutes.


Are the treatments different in each case?

Yes. Currently, there are a variety of alternatives to treat varicose veins or damaged veins. A doctor will evaluate these conditions and the extent of the damage that each vein has suffered. Usually, since spider veins are distinguished by being at an early stage and do not pose a health threat or reduce a person’s quality of life, they can be reverted with a cosmetic or aesthetic treatment such as sclerotherapy.

Instead, when it comes to varicose veins, specialists evaluate the state of the veins and the symptoms they present. Sometimes non-surgical treatments may be recommended. Nevertheless, when people experience the presence of varicose veins in an advanced stage, it is necessary to apply a minimally invasive treatment, such as outpatient surgery. However, the methods are safe and require short recovery times.

Here are some of the most common treatments for varicose veins vs. spider veins using the latest generation medical equipment:

  • Laser ablation (Biolitec®)
  • Radiofrequency ablation (ClosureFast®)
  • Medical-grade glue (Venaseal®)

The health of your legs in the hands of the best specialists

Unfortunately, one of the reasons why vein problems become annoying varicose veins is the need for more knowledge about how to treat them. In many cases, people begin to seek help when symptoms occur that have already started to affect their daily lives. But did you know that there are doctors specialized in offering timely treatments for varicose vein problems with the most modern medical equipment?

Whether you have spider veins, varicose veins, or both, there are effective methods to treat them today. We invite you to go to experts with more than 20 years of experience and thousands of successful procedures that support them. Contacting them is very simple. You can email hello@veinco.com.mx or call (888) 568 3409. Varicose veins and spider veins cannot prevent you from enjoying beautiful and healthy legs.

vein specialist
Vein Specialist: Who Is It, and When to See One?

Have you noticed that you have problems with the veins in your legs? The veins in our body are essential as they keep us alive by allowing blood to flow through the body. For this reason, it is crucial to understand what a vein specialist is and what signs you should be aware of knowing when it’s time to visit a vein doctor.

As we already said, veins are something very vital in our body. If we start to have problems with our veins, we should not hesitate to go to a specialist as soon as possible. Contacting a vein doctor at the right time could be the difference between solving a problem on time or waiting for something more serious to happen that cannot be solved quickly. But what is a vein specialist?


What is a vein specialist?

A vein specialist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating vein diseases, varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, venous diseases, and anything related to veins.

Since the subject of veins is so complex, this is the doctor you should visit when you start to have discomfort in your veins, for example, in the veins of your legs. But are all vein doctors the same? Let’s talk about some requirements that a doctor must meet to be a vein specialist and that you should look for or avoid.


What to look for in a vein specialist

A vein specialist has the expertise to evaluate different cases of vein problems. This list contains 3 main points that you should consider when choosing a good vein expert:

  • Training: A vein expert must be a medical doctor who trained for 4-5 years in medical school and then specialized in veins.
  • Credentials: Board certifications are excellent ways to know that a doctor is trustworthy and approved.
  • Experience: The ideal would be to look for a vein doctor with years of experience who has successfully performed hundreds or even thousands of surgeries or procedures. This experience will ensure that he will provide the best help based on training and experience.

At Veinco, we are experts in providing practical solutions regarding different vein problems, such as spider veins or varicose veins treatments. Dr. Gerardo Saldaña Montemayor is one of our vein specialists and one of the best in this branch of medicine. He has more than 20 years of experience and is a board-certified surgeon with more than 7,000 procedures successfully performed.

From day one, Dr. Gerardo Saldaña will be your guide and help you. He has learned that to be a good doctor, you must focus on each patient’s needs and show courteous attention. This patient-centered care distinguishes Veinco from other clinics in Mexico and the United States. Additionally, a good vein doctor can identify the severity of varicose veins through a medical assessment. Then he can propose the best treatment, like minimally invasive treatments, such as laser, radiofrequency or medical-grade glue.

But when should you contact a vein doctor? Let us look at 4 signs you should be aware of in your veins.

  1. Tired and weak legs
  2. Pain in the legs and a feeling of pulsation in the veins
  3. Veins change color and bulge
  4. Dry, itchy skin or a rash near your ankles

1. Tired and weak legs

Our legs are expected to feel tired after a long day of hard work or walking. But do you have tired and weak legs almost every day of the week? Does this feeling worsen, especially after standing still for a long time? Tired and weak legs might be a red flag if the answer to these questions was yes.

You could try some home remedies or raise your legs that temporarily remove the discomfort. But, as you have probably noticed, this will not solve the underlying problem. If this is happening to you, it is a good idea to visit a vein specialist as soon as possible.

2. Pain in the legs and a feeling of pulsation in the veins

Again, we must separate a normal sensation of pain and pulsation in the veins from one that is no longer normal. What is the difference? A lot has to do with frequency and intensity. How often do your legs hurt? If your legs hurt after a lot of exercise, it’s normal. But if this pain increases little by little during the day for no apparent reason, it is not.

Therefore, constant pain in your legs and pulsation in your veins would be another warning sign that something in your veins needs the attention of a specialist. And the important thing is to be able to detect the problem as soon as possible. And, of course, consider that when you visit a specialist, he will help you to determine if it is something normal and that you should take care of yourself or if it is something more serious.

3. Veins change color and bulge

When the veins in your legs bulge and change color to purple or blue, you should seek help from a specialist. And it is essential to understand that this is not only an aesthetic problem. You should not think that covering the veins with makeup or clothes solves the matter since, again, the problem is not really on the surface.

If your veins begin to swell and change color, the blood flowing through them is not flowing correctly. One consequence could be developing a blood clot, preventing blood from flowing through the veins. Leaving this untreated could lead to a condition called Deep Vein Thrombosis. This condition is a severe problem that you can avoid by visiting a specialist at the right time.

4. Dry, itchy skin or a rash near your ankles

Skin problems such as dryness and itchiness or a rash in your legs may be a sign you have vein problems that have been left untreated. This sign may result from the high blood pressure levels in your veins. In other words, the skin will suffer and show these symptoms since your veins are damaged below the surface.

If you leave your skin problems untreated (which could be a vein problem), the affected area could turn into a venous leg ulcer. This condition is a severe problem since once it becomes an ulcer, you risk suffering a great deal of pain and a challenging treatment process.

So, if you notice discoloration in your veins and around your ankles, or dry, itchy skin, this is another red flag. It is time to contact a specialist as soon as possible. If he checks you and tells you that this is only a surface problem, you can relax and treat the area accordingly. But if it’s something more serious, you can be happy that you caught it on time.


Schedule your consultation with the best vein specialist

If, after reading this blog, you realize that you have one or more of these warning signs, then please, it is time to schedule a consultation with a vein specialist. Do not wait any longer! But who can you trust?

Allow us at Veinco to help you regain the health of your legs so that nothing stops you from showing them and enjoying your life to the full. Do not leave the health of your veins to chance. You are not alone since many men and women face problems like these and have solved them thanks to the help of Veinco. Leave this problem to Veinco, and Dr. Gerardo Saldaña will help you get all the necessary answers.

So, what are you waiting for? If you choose Veinco to help you, you can be sure that a medical team of the highest quality will help you. Contact us at Veinco. You can use our Contact Us section on our website or call us at (888) 568-3409 or email us at hello@veinco.com.mx.

woman dealing with the dangers of varicose veins
Dealing with the Dangers of Varicose Veins Successfully

Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem. If they are not treated in time, they significantly impact health. The dangers of varicose veins can cause various unpleasant symptoms such as pain, swelling, itching, cramps, tenderness, or fatigue in the lower legs.

Varicose veins develop mainly in the legs. These veins have stopped performing their primary function: returning blood from the feet to the heart.

Did you know that, in some cases, they can cause more severe complications with serious consequences for your health? This article will discuss some of these dangers and how to treat the disease with minimally invasive varicose vein treatment. But first, we want to let you know the most common symptoms of varicose veins and why they might appear.


Dangers of varicose veins – factors that contribute to their appearance

There is no single factor that is the cause of varicose veins. Several factors can cause the appearance of this disease, and most of the time, several of them act together. Some of these factors are as follows:

  • Genetic or hereditary factors. It is evident when it is observed that patients with varicose veins and spider veins have a family history of the same problem much more often than those without.
  • Being on your feet for a long time can contribute to the onset of this disease. People who spend much time on their feet, such as waiters, teachers, hairdressers, or salespeople, are at higher risk for varicose veins.
  • Pregnancy is one of the most critical factors in the development and aggravation of varicose veins. The hormonal changes that occur, as well as the compression exerted by the fetus on the large intra-abdominal return veins, cause the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency to be triggered or aggravated during pregnancy.
  • Other factors, such as heat —which includes direct exposure to the sun and all kinds of heat sources such as saunas, hot baths, or waxing—and excessively tight clothing can negatively influence the appearance and aggravation of varicose veins.


Varicose Veins: Symptoms

Many people with varicose veins report that the most common symptom is a feeling of heaviness in the legs, which increases throughout the day. Other symptoms are cramps and a burning sensation. These symptoms are more persistent or intense if you stand or sit for long periods and in hot environments.

When the disease is very advanced, other more severe symptoms appear. Visible changes begin to appear on the skin in the form of dark brown spots (this skin condition is called ocher dermatitis). Little by little, the skin becomes inflamed and stiff and not very elastic. Finally, ulcers may appear on the skin, which will be very difficult to heal.

Varicose veins do not usually appear drastically. Instead, they develop gradually and progressively. Therefore, detecting their evolution and early detection will be essential to avoid significant complications.

At Veinco, we want all patients, including those who present some of the symptoms mentioned above to feel at ease knowing that our vein specialists will provide them with all the tools and necessary treatment to prevent or reverse any severe or advanced state.. If you want to know chronic venous insufficiency stages and how to treat them, we invite you to click on the link.


What are some dangers of varicose veins?

Some of the dangers of varicose veins are the following:

Development of skin ulcers

Painful skin sores, red or blue, can form near varicose veins, especially near the ankles or legs. A discolored patch of skin is usually seen before an ulcer appears.

Blood clots

Blood clotting may happen if you feel persistent pain or swelling in your legs. Sometimes the deep leg veins become dilated and can cause pain and swelling in the legs.

Presence of bleeding

Sometimes the veins close to the skin burst. While this usually only causes minor bleeding, it does require medical attention.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

It has two consequences, one derived from the effect of the thrombus in the affected vein and in the extremity whose return circulation is affected (postphlebitic syndrome), and another derived from the possible migration of the thrombus towards the lung. : Pulmonary thromboembolism, the latter, is the most severe complication of deep vein thrombosis and can lead to the patient’s death.


Minimally invasive varicose vein treatment

Some patients may have significant leg symptoms and not have varicose veins. In these cases, evaluation by vein specialists is vital, both to indicate whether the cause of the discomfort is chronic venous insufficiency or another possible pathology and to determine what venous alteration is causing it. Whether or not the patient has varicose veins, the most useful diagnostic method to evaluate the patient is echo-Doppler.

It is a fast and non-invasive technique; it can be performed in the exact consultation and does not pose any risk to the patient. With this technique, the vascular surgeon can perform an exhaustive assessment of the superficial and deep venous systems, determining the origin of the varicose veins, if any, and the possible areas where the deep venous veins found systemically are not working correctly. There is no need to use local anesthesia for this test.

After the echo-Doppler test, the vein specialist may recommend one of the following minimally invasive vein treatments:

Treatment of varicose veins may include self-care measures such as the following:

  • Take advantage of any circumstance to move your legs. If your job requires you to spend long periods standing or sitting, you should take short breaks while walking or shuffling.
  • Avoid sources of heat: depilation with hot wax, hot baths, saunas, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Walking is a greatly beneficial sport for circulation; gymnastics, cycling, dancing, or swimming are also helpful.
  • Take a daily cold shower on your legs.
  • Avoid clothing that is tight at the waist.

Depending on the patient’s stages of varicose veins, other treatments can be used including:

  • Sclerotherapy
  • Wear compression stockings

These are not considered minimally invasive treatments. Instead, they are cosmetic procedures or supporting aids in the case of compression stockings. 


Avoid the dangers of varicose veins successfully

At Veinco, we are your best option to combat varicose veins dangers. Our team of specialists will offer you quality medical care at affordable prices.

Stopping the adverse effects and living a life free of varicose veins begins now. Schedule your appointment today at the number (888) 568 3409. You can also write to us at hello@veinco.com.mx