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Spider Veins – Remove Them Successfully with Sclerotherapy

Strong legs are a symptom of a resilient and strong body. But solid and beautiful legs reflect perseverance, care, and health. Would you like to reflect all those features? Without a doubt, our legs are a fundamental element of the body. However, varicose veins are currently a problem with which not only older but young people also struggle. Did you know that Sclerotherapy can help you regain the beauty of your legs?

One reality is that the legs are not just an attractive part of the body. If you are beginning to experience venous disease symptoms, you may have also started to experience annoying symptoms such as cramping, tiredness, and other effects. Although these are not usually serious, they can worsen and even reduce your mobility over time. So, if you are looking for an early solution, Sclerotherapy may be the ideal solution for your case. 


Sclerotherapy – how does it work?

Sclerotherapy is a procedure that improves a person’s aesthetic legs and ankles appearance. Thus, it is not considered a  minimally invasive vein treatment, but a cosmetic one. Sclerotherapy involves microinjections that are applied with a very fine needle that introduces them into the veins, turning them into scar tissue and eventually disappearing permanently. A saline solution or other FDA-approved solutions is usually applied that collapses in the vein and blood vessels, forcing the blood to be redirected through other alternate healthy veins. 

In some cases, previous ultrasounds or ultrasound guidance are used to identify the location of veins under the skin that are not easy to see and to perform the procedure more accurately at the injection site. This is an outpatient procedure that can last between 20 and 45 minutes. If you have several spider veins, the number of veins to treat depends on the size and location.

Although this is not a painful procedure, during treatment, you may experience cramping or mild discomfort lasting a few minutes, or in some cases, local anesthesia is applied. You will not require a lengthy recovery but can return to your daily activities immediately. Your doctor will give you specific instructions for primary care over the next few days, such as wearing compression stockings. 


In what cases is Sclerotherapy recommended?

You may be wondering how to know what type of veins can be treated with Sclerotherapy. It is important to note that this is a treatment used when the stages of venous disease give the first signs, that is, only small spider veins. These are characterized by brown lines or reddish spots with the appearance of a thin net. Although a specialist evaluates each case, some basic requirements for sclerotherapy are as follows:

  • Age between 30 and 60 years.
  • You have to be willing to follow postoperative instructions.
  • You don’t have serious problems related to blood clotting.
  • You are not allergic to any component of the solution to be injected.
  • You are not taking any medications or anticoagulant therapy that may have an allergic or adverse reaction to the solution.
  • Be a patient with poor mobility (at the specialist’s discretion).


When is not recommended?

Are there any contraindications to Sclerotherapy? Yes. Before recommending this treatment, a specialist will evaluate the stages of varicose and damaged spider veins. Sclerotherapy is usually not recommended in those veins where the disease has advanced. 

For those cases, minimally invasive vein treatments will be highly recommended, such as radiofrequency ablation, laser therapy, and medical grade glue. Also, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you are not a candidate for Sclerotherapy until after you have finished your stage and it is safe for your baby. 

As mentioned earlier, Sclerotherapy is not a venous treatment, but a cosmetic procedure that can offer you meaningful advantages. Thus, if you feel symptoms like pain, itchiness, or severe discomfort, it will be vital to consult our vein specialists so that he can make a thorough medical evaluation. Then, he may recommend  using a minimally invasive vein treatment to eliminate varicose veins and prevent or reverse severe conditions, such as chronic venous insufficiency.   



Sclerotherapy, as  a cosmetic procedure, can offer you meaningful advantages for your health and appearance. It is one of the most used techniques in specialized varicose vein centers since its application is fast, recovery times are short, and the results are widely recommended in the appropriate medical condition. In addition, it is an excellent treatment that aims to prevent complications of the varicose disease that can trigger more significant problems. 

Here are some benefits of Sclerotherapy:

  • It improves the appearance of the legs
  • It reduces pain
  • Constant swelling is reduced
  • The feeling of heaviness and tired legs is reduced
  • Less cramping at night

How many sessions are required, and when are the results seen?

Did you know that this treatment effectiveness is 50% to 80% of veins that can be removed in a single session? Of course, the number of sessions is recommended depending on the varicose veins to be treated, their size, and their thickness. Usually, two to six scheduled sessions are held. 

Although it is a safe technique, it is worth mentioning that the results are not guaranteed since they can vary due to multiple factors. Still, the response of the organism is primarily favorable. 

When sclerotherapy treatment is not sufficient, it can be considered a minimally invasive treatment. On the other hand, in some cases, patients may experience side effects such as inflammation, bruising, redness, and spots, which can disappear in days, weeks, or even months, considering that the larger the vein, the longer the recovery time. 

Usually, within a month, you begin to notice an incredible improvement. The results are estimated to be between three and six months. 

Although these treated veins will no longer reappear, there is a possibility that new spider veins will arise or even future problems with blood clots. So, to keep your legs strong and healthy, you should follow an active exercise routine and avoid habits that favor its appearance. A healthy lifestyle and exercise are two of the best methods for preventing varicose disease in the legs.


Sclerotherapy – A modern treatment to regain your legs’ beauty 

Do you want to recover your legs’ smooth and youthful appearance? Consult a vein specialist as soon as possible and know if sclerotherapy is your best alternative. 

You can book a first consultation with one of the best vein specialists by calling toll-free at (888) 568 3409 or emailing us at hello@veinco.com.mx to clear all your doubts and questions as soon as possible.

woman dealing with the dangers of varicose veins
Dealing with the Dangers of Varicose Veins Successfully

Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem. If they are not treated in time, they significantly impact health. The dangers of varicose veins can cause various unpleasant symptoms such as pain, swelling, itching, cramps, tenderness, or fatigue in the lower legs.

Varicose veins develop mainly in the legs. These veins have stopped performing their primary function: returning blood from the feet to the heart.

Did you know that, in some cases, they can cause more severe complications with serious consequences for your health? This article will discuss some of these dangers and how to treat the disease with minimally invasive varicose vein treatment. But first, we want to let you know the most common symptoms of varicose veins and why they might appear.


Dangers of varicose veins – factors that contribute to their appearance

There is no single factor that is the cause of varicose veins. Several factors can cause the appearance of this disease, and most of the time, several of them act together. Some of these factors are as follows:

  • Genetic or hereditary factors. It is evident when it is observed that patients with varicose veins and spider veins have a family history of the same problem much more often than those without.
  • Being on your feet for a long time can contribute to the onset of this disease. People who spend much time on their feet, such as waiters, teachers, hairdressers, or salespeople, are at higher risk for varicose veins.
  • Pregnancy is one of the most critical factors in the development and aggravation of varicose veins. The hormonal changes that occur, as well as the compression exerted by the fetus on the large intra-abdominal return veins, cause the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency to be triggered or aggravated during pregnancy.
  • Other factors, such as heat —which includes direct exposure to the sun and all kinds of heat sources such as saunas, hot baths, or waxing—and excessively tight clothing can negatively influence the appearance and aggravation of varicose veins.


Varicose Veins: Symptoms

Many people with varicose veins report that the most common symptom is a feeling of heaviness in the legs, which increases throughout the day. Other symptoms are cramps and a burning sensation. These symptoms are more persistent or intense if you stand or sit for long periods and in hot environments.

When the disease is very advanced, other more severe symptoms appear. Visible changes begin to appear on the skin in the form of dark brown spots (this skin condition is called ocher dermatitis). Little by little, the skin becomes inflamed and stiff and not very elastic. Finally, ulcers may appear on the skin, which will be very difficult to heal.

Varicose veins do not usually appear drastically. Instead, they develop gradually and progressively. Therefore, detecting their evolution and early detection will be essential to avoid significant complications.

At Veinco, we want all patients, including those who present some of the symptoms mentioned above to feel at ease knowing that our vein specialists will provide them with all the tools and necessary treatment to prevent or reverse any severe or advanced state.. If you want to know chronic venous insufficiency stages and how to treat them, we invite you to click on the link.


What are some dangers of varicose veins?

Some of the dangers of varicose veins are the following:

Development of skin ulcers

Painful skin sores, red or blue, can form near varicose veins, especially near the ankles or legs. A discolored patch of skin is usually seen before an ulcer appears.

Blood clots

Blood clotting may happen if you feel persistent pain or swelling in your legs. Sometimes the deep leg veins become dilated and can cause pain and swelling in the legs.

Presence of bleeding

Sometimes the veins close to the skin burst. While this usually only causes minor bleeding, it does require medical attention.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

It has two consequences, one derived from the effect of the thrombus in the affected vein and in the extremity whose return circulation is affected (postphlebitic syndrome), and another derived from the possible migration of the thrombus towards the lung. : Pulmonary thromboembolism, the latter, is the most severe complication of deep vein thrombosis and can lead to the patient’s death.


Minimally invasive varicose vein treatment

Some patients may have significant leg symptoms and not have varicose veins. In these cases, evaluation by vein specialists is vital, both to indicate whether the cause of the discomfort is chronic venous insufficiency or another possible pathology and to determine what venous alteration is causing it. Whether or not the patient has varicose veins, the most useful diagnostic method to evaluate the patient is echo-Doppler.

It is a fast and non-invasive technique; it can be performed in the exact consultation and does not pose any risk to the patient. With this technique, the vascular surgeon can perform an exhaustive assessment of the superficial and deep venous systems, determining the origin of the varicose veins, if any, and the possible areas where the deep venous veins found systemically are not working correctly. There is no need to use local anesthesia for this test.

After the echo-Doppler test, the vein specialist may recommend one of the following minimally invasive vein treatments:

Treatment of varicose veins may include self-care measures such as the following:

  • Take advantage of any circumstance to move your legs. If your job requires you to spend long periods standing or sitting, you should take short breaks while walking or shuffling.
  • Avoid sources of heat: depilation with hot wax, hot baths, saunas, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Walking is a greatly beneficial sport for circulation; gymnastics, cycling, dancing, or swimming are also helpful.
  • Take a daily cold shower on your legs.
  • Avoid clothing that is tight at the waist.

Depending on the patient’s stages of varicose veins, other treatments can be used including:

  • Sclerotherapy
  • Wear compression stockings

These are not considered minimally invasive treatments. Instead, they are cosmetic procedures or supporting aids in the case of compression stockings. 


Avoid the dangers of varicose veins successfully

At Veinco, we are your best option to combat varicose veins dangers. Our team of specialists will offer you quality medical care at affordable prices.

Stopping the adverse effects and living a life free of varicose veins begins now. Schedule your appointment today at the number (888) 568 3409. You can also write to us at hello@veinco.com.mx


woman wondering how much does varicose vein treatment cost without insurance
How Much Does Varicose Vein Treatment Cost Without Insurance?

Are you tired of problems with your veins and don’t have enough money for treatment? The solution for hundreds of patients has been getting the best varicose vein treatments in Mexico. But is traveling to Mexico the best option for these treatments? What is the cost of vein treatment with insurance? How much does varicose vein treatment cost without insurance?

Before we get into money, let’s talk about your problem: varicose veins. Did you know that some 25 million American adults struggle with this condition? It is estimated that it affects about 33% of women and 17% of men. 

So, you are not alone. You are not the only one who doesn’t feel free to wear the clothes you want because you are always thinking about hiding that part of your body that you do not like. And sadly, this vein disease is not only an aesthetic problem but also affects the quality of life since many people mention how this affects their mood because of the constant pain and discomfort in their legs.

Like hundreds of others, if you have health insurance, you may be unsure if it covers a vein treatment. Many people who suffer from chronic diseases in their veins, such as chronic venous insufficiency or deep vein thrombosis, think there is no way to solve these problems because of how expensive varicose veins and spider vein treatments can be. Let’s analyze what options you have at your disposal to solve this problem finally.


Cost for Vein Treatment

Varicose vein treatment costs depend on several factors. For example, what type of intervention would you like? Where would you like to get your diagnosis and treatment? What doctor and medical team can you afford? 

How much experience and qualifications would you like your surgeon to have? And based on the severity of your condition, what is the number of sessions you need? These and other questions will impact the cost of your overall treatment.

Despite these questions, we can estimate the cost considering these basic elements and expenses. Depending on which method or treatment your doctor uses, you may incur charges like:

  • Pre-op consultations and testing (some tests and analyses may include ultrasound to judge blood flow)
  • Local anesthesia
  • Professional fees for the doctor and medical team
  • Hospital fees
  • Basic medication (painkillers, antibiotics, etc.)
  • Post-medical revision (in person or via zom) 
  • Unique clothing for after the surgery (Compression Stockings)
  • Accommodation in first-class hotels
  • All ground transportation

As you can see, there are different things to consider that will impact the final cost. Your final price will depend on whether you have insurance coverage to pay for some or all of the procedure. However, the big question is, will your health insurance cover the varicose vein treatment, and if so, what does it cover?


How much does varicose vein treatment cost WITH insurance?

What is the process to get coverage from your insurance for a varicose treatment? Most insurance plans require you first to get a referral from your general doctor that you need a vascular angiologist or vein specialist. 

The initial consultation with a vein specialist is usually covered by insurance. During the consultation with the vein expert, he will need to evaluate your condition thoroughly and take notes that he will share with your insurance company. During this evaluation, he will probably need to take pictures and/or run tests of your varicose veins to document the type and severity of your problem. The vein specialist will send all this information to your insurer for review.

Then, at the insurance company, a medical director reviews the information received from your vein specialist to see if the procedure meets the criteria for your insurance coverage. One of the essential questions he needs to answer is, is this procedure medically necessary? An insurer may determine medical necessity if you experience the following problems because of your condition:

  •         Permanent tired, heavy legs
  •         Itching, burning, or throbbing sensation in the legs
  •         Constant painful leg cramps
  •         Changes in skin texture and color around a varicose vein
  •         Skin ulcers

If the insurance company deems the varicose vein medically necessary, you most likely still have a copay, coinsurance, and deductible to cover the treatment they approve. For example, Radiofrequency ablation is a remarkably effective modern technique for treating varicose veins that is not covered by basic medical insurance policies. Thus, the deductibles increase significantly if you ask for such a treatment. 

The cost of this procedure depends on how many veins need to be treated. The price per vein treated ranges from $1500 to $3000 USD, depending on the insurance negotiated price of $1500 – $3000 USD, and does not include the cost of admission, anesthesia, post-op care and medication. These costs will vary based on your deductible and out-of-pocket expenses. So, for example, if you have 5 veins that need treatment, the price starts to get very high.

As you can see, many steps must happen before your insurance can determine if they could cover some of the cost of the varicose vein treatment. And once it does, the prices may still be out of your reach, making this treatment nearly impossible. But don’t give up yet! There are other options to consider.


How much does varicose vein treatment cost WITHOUT insurance?

As mentioned above, the prices for the best type of treatment for your varicose veins are high. Do you want to know how much does varicose vein treatment cost without insurance?

If you don’t have insurance or your insurance doesn’t cover this treatment, the good news is that you don’t have to follow a lengthy procedure or meet any requirements from an insurance company. However, the bad news is that you will have to pay for the treatment out of pocket. And probably you don’t have the money to cover the doctors, clinic or doctor’s office, and different sessions that your problem may need in one payment or other payment plans are excessively high.

Fortunately, at Veinco, we have the solution to your situation. And that solution is the best medical tourism in Mexico. Patients that select us can save over 50% on comparable treatments in the USA without compromising on Premium Medical Care.

Veinco is a top-rated Clinic specializing in treatments for Varicose Veins, Spider Veins, and Vascular Therapy. Our facilities are located in Monterrey, Mexico, where we will provide you with world-class medical care thanks to the best vein and vascular therapy specialists. How can we help you?


How We Can Help You with Varicose Vein Treatments

At Veinco, we do not limit ourselves to just one varicose vein treatment technique. Instead, since each person and each case is different, we offer the most advanced and personalized varicose veins treatments at an affordable price. Our treatment plans provide effective solutions that leave our patients free of pain and discomfort.

A common misconception is that surgery is the best treatment for varicose veins, but this is not always true. Nowadays, there are many modern treatments for varicose veins, and many options are available that are minimally invasive and effective.

As mentioned, at Veinco, we have a wide range of possible treatments for you. But let’s briefly talk about two treatments that have gained popularity for the excellent results obtained. The laser varicose vein treatment and radiofrequency ablation have had excellent results in thousands of patients that have trusted Veinco’s vein specialists.

Laser Varicose Vein Treatment

How does it work? A laser technique, which is a highly focused beam of light, is placed at a catheter’s tip and inserted into the damaged vein. 

The objective is that the intense heat damages the varicose vein, which makes scar tissue form. Then this scar tissue seals the vein and halts blood flow. Over time the varicose vein fades, and blood is rerouted through other healthy blood vessels to ensure a healthy circulation and a fantastic leg appearance.

There are many laser vascular treatments; the one you need will depend on the vein depth and your specific needs. The vein specialist may combine several laser techniques during treatment. 

For most patients, the results are visible instantly. When the treated vein has no more blood flow, it disappears completely. It is vital to have a previous diagnosis of the condition through a health questionnaire and diagnosis to perform this laser varicose treatment and consider factors such as the thickness of the skin, the size of the affected vein, etc.

This treatment is minimally invasive. Since it does not involve surgery, you do not need a prolonged recovery period. After a few hours or 1-2 days, you can continue with your regular daily routine. 

Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation treatments are safe, cost-effective, and preferred methods of alleviating the symptoms such as pain and swelling caused by varicose veins. Radiofrequency ablation treatment focuses on varicose vein removal by using energy in the form of radio waves and sending it through a catheter directly into the wall of the damaged vein.  These radio waves heat the catheter to 120°C, a hot temperature to close and eventually scar down the vein.

A vein ultrasound will identify and map areas of venous insufficiency, or improper functioning vein valves, the primary cause of varicose veins. This ultrasound-guided method will be done before undergoing a radiofrequency ablation procedure.

This treatment is like the laser method, but its way of working is reversed because Radiofrequency does not cause blood coagulation. In contrast, its goal is to alter the varicose vein, closing it and allowing the blood flow to circulate through healthy veins.

This treatment is also minimally invasive and eliminates the need for open varicose vein surgery and general anesthesia. Therefore, it is usually performed with local anesthesia as outpatient care and the recovery time is very quick. The resting period is about 24 to 48 hours. 

After finishing the procedure, you can return to your everyday life since it does not involve hospitalization or a long recovery. Then, you can continue with your routine. Still, it is crucial to have the appropriate precautions, following the recommendations of proper care as indicated by the specialist. 

Medical-grade glue

Another minimally invasive treatment is Venaseal, a medical-grade glue safe for the body that quickly and effectively treats varicose veins and spider veins. With Venaseal, there are no pre-procedure drugs or anesthesia during the treatment. 

How does it work? Using ultrasound, a vein specialist will guide a tiny catheter through the skin into the affected vein area. Next, with a dispenser, he introduces a small amount of medical-grade glue to the affected area to close the vein. This “vein glue” closes the defective vein within seconds, and once it is “glued,” blood is immediately re-routed through other healthy veins in the leg.

What is the difference between Venaseal and heat-based procedures? With Venaseal, there is no possible risk of heat-related complications such as skin burns or nerve sensitivity. This modern vein treatment usually does not require any post-treatment pain medication or use of compression stockings. You can drive yourself home after the treatment and immediately return to your everyday life and even perform vigorous exercise.


What is the price for varicose vein treatments at Veinco?

You may wonder, if Veinco is the answer to my problem, how much will it cost me? Whether you suffer from chronic venous insufficiency or deep vein thrombosis, we can provide an affordable solution while receiving world-class medical care. 

For our grand opening, we have a Varicose Vein Treatment All-inclusive plan. What will you get from our All-Inclusive Package? The short answer: nothing but the best varicose vein treatment. But here are some more details of the things included:

  •         A board-Certified surgeon with +5,000 vein surgeries performed
  •         Medical tourism insurance coverage FOR FREE
  •         Beautiful state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest tech
  •         Continuous virtual follow-up care
  •         Best hotel accommodations
  •         Ground transportation to and from the MTY Airport as well as hotel and hospital facilities
  •         Medical fees
  •         Basic pre- and post-operative tests
  •         Basic post-operative medication
  •         Compression stockings
  •         FREE International calls to any state in the US and Canada and high-speed Wi-Fi
  •         Convenient location at safe and beautiful areas, close to restaurants, hotels, and tourist district


Stop putting off your vascular health

Men and women of all ages face the pain and discomfort caused by varicose veins—unfortunately, embarrassment, low self-esteem, or lack of information postpones looking for a solution. So don’t make that mistake. Another problem we discussed here is the high cost of the treatments and the answer to the question, how much does varicose vein treatment cost without insurance? This article provided an excellent solution for this issue and a great option for your pocket.

Whether you are just beginning to experience the first signs of varicose veins or in an advanced stage, act today! 

Find out what causes varicose veins and how to treat them. There is no excuse to get your life back. You will not regret having made one of the best investments in your health. At Veinco, we can help you enjoy life to the fullest with beautiful and healthy legs.

If you have any questions about our treatments, all-inclusive packages, or how medical tourism works with us, contact us to review your situation and answer any doubts. 

Our medical team and support staff will review your case and recommend the best treatment options. And rest assured that if you trust in us and make us part of your journey, the results and every effort will be worth it! And all at an affordable price. Don’t hesitate to contact us toll-free at (888) 568-3409 or email us at hello@veinco.com.mx

Hemorrhoid Treatment – Learn Its Causes and Symptoms

Although this is an awkward issue for many, hemorrhoid problems are as common as varicose veins in the legs.

In fact, in the United States, approximately 10 million people suffer from this condition, thus needing hemorrhoid treatment. According to data from the General Hospital in Mexico, about 5% of the population has hemorrhoid problems.

Additionally, it is estimated that 50% of people over the age of 50 have some degree of hemorrhoidal disease but do not know it. And they don’t know about it because they’re afraid to talk about it.

Types of hemorrhoids

Varicose veins are a health problem that can affect both men and women, and, mostly, they can develop in the areas of the legs and feet. However, this condition is the result of vascular problems related to circulation, and the legs or feet are not the only body parts where these swollen veins appear. There are different types of varicose veins, and today we are going to share specifically those that occur in a very rare location, namely, the rectal area.

That’s right, varicose veins that appear in the rectal canal are called hemorrhoids and are also dilated blood vessels. There are two types of hemorrhoids. The first is located internally at the intersection of the anus and rectum. The other is external, which are presented outside this area and are covered by skin.

Hemorrhoids – Causes and Symptoms

It is important to approach a vein specialist as soon as there is any indication that we may be experiencing a hemorrhoidal problem because many myths surrounding this condition only complicate the proper hemorrhoid treatment.

One of the most popular ones is that spicy food causes hemorrhoids. However, there is no evidence to prove that. Yet, it is true that once you have hemorrhoids, doctors recommend avoiding the intake of this type of irritating food not to aggravate the inflammation.

Another problem that results in a lack of clear information is that it can be confused with cancer and generate unnecessary discomfort.

Because the symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as bleeding, difficulty evacuating, and pain, are similar to those that can occur in some cases of malignant tumors in the rectal area, confusion is common, but it can be completely avoidable.

Hemorrhoids are a health problem like any other and, as such, should be treated with a specialist and spoken openly, just like you would approach a varicose vein treatment.

So what are the causes for hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are developed for the same reason as varicose veins in the legs, due to the increase in blood pressure in the veins. They could be similar to varicose vein symptoms such as pain, itching, and even bleeding.

Neglecting to treat this condition can generate a lot of discomfort since most people prefer not to receive care because they consider them very uncomfortable, embarrassing, and even unpleasant to talk about or consult with a vein specialist. Yet, not treating them could increase the risk of your rectal and vascular health.

Therefore, to completely avoid this annoying condition, below we share with you its main causes.

  • Over forcing your body to make a bowel movement
  • Sitting on the toilet for a long time increases the risk
  • Being overweight or obese can lead a person to develop hemorrhoids
  • Lifting very heavy objects; in addition to increase the risk of causing problems such as hernias, this action can
  • provoke the appearance of hemorrhoidal veins

Besides these causes, other factors may provoke them, such as pregnancy, chronic diarrhea, constipation, or constantly using diuretics or laxatives. Although it is not 100% certain for hemorrhoids to occur under these circumstances, the best option is always to monitor your health to be informed of your overall blood flow condition.

Live Varicose Vein and Hemorrhoid FREE!

Consulting with the varicose vein surgeons and vein experts at Vascular Therapy Clinic is a great way to take care of your health. Here you can find personal attention and treatment for hemorrhoids, as well as prevent the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins. Our doctors will be able to do a thorough examination and take care of your health. Schedule your consultation today! Your vascular well-being is our priority.

If you want to learn more, we invite you to read the following blogs:

The Best Compression Stockings

Compression stockings have proven to be invaluable during varicose veins treatments and spider veins treatments.

That’s why finding the right stocking is so important.

Compression stockings, as the name says, gently compress the legs so that blood circulates upwards, and when you have a problem of venous insufficiency, this helps prevent swelling of the legs and gives the desired rest.

There are compression stockings that reach the thigh or waist. Others reach only the knee, and its goal is to restrict swelling when fluid accumulates in the legs’ lower part and improve venous circulation.

They also serve to prevent venous ulcers or the development of blood clots in the legs, especially when used after surgery or have been inactive for a while

However, choosing the right stockings for our problem requires certain specifications that must be dictated by a professional who measures and tests them.

A crucial factor is to measure the patient’s legs when they are the least swollen as possible to choose the right ones accurately.

You may find some over-the-counter stockings of light compression. However, stockings that treat slightly more severe venous insufficiency need to be prescribed by a health care provider and vein specialists.

It’s important to note that some stockings are made to wear all day until going to bed. Others are for all day and all night. Choosing compression stockings without specialist supervision may not give the desired therapeutic benefit or cause side effects.

Additionally, the following are helpful tips so that you can show off your legs anywhere you want.

5 Tips to Keep Your Legs Healthy

When the weather starts to warm up, it is the perfect opportunity to show off healthy and smooth legs with it. Therefore, today we want to give you 5 tips to help you enjoy this season to the fullest without feeling embarrassed about your legs. Test them out!

  • Brushing will become your best friend

Dry brushing is one of the most effective techniques to promote circulation in the lower part of your body. Plus, it can work as an excellent exfoliator and remover of dead cells.

  • There is no such thing as enough water intake

As you well know, drinking at least 2 liters (9 oz glasses) of water daily is necessary to help our bodies perform to 100% of their capacity. This easy habit can make a significant difference in the appearance of your legs. Please don’t wait any longer to incorporate it into your daily life!

  • Goodbye chips, hello fruits

Processed foods are often high in sodium, which is bad for your circulation. Sodium promotes fluid retention, which increases volume in the blood and causes swelling in the lower part of the body, even causing edema.

  • You can win the fight against a sedentary lifestyle

Exercise plays a vital role in the proper circulation and oxygenation of your body. Stay active and try to create a routine, ranging from going out to the park at home to walking for half an hour or, better yet, enrolling in a gym where you are assigned a personalized workout to strengthen your leg muscles.

  • Your doctor, your confidant

If you have any of the following varicose vein symptoms, we suggest visiting a vein specialist:

  • Heaviness
  • Swelling
  • Burning
  • Pain

Varicose veins do not always show visible signs. Yet, their presence can have a considerable impact on your health. That is why we recommend that if you see or feel signs or symptoms of this condition, schedule a consultation for a full assessment at our Vascular Therapy Clinic as soon as possible. Our clinic offers the most cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art methods to treat varicose veins problems with minimally invasive procedures with a team of experts and personalized attention.

Ready to show off your beautiful legs in public? Visit our world-class facilities.

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