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woman wondering when to worry about variocse veins
When to Worry About Varicose Veins

For many, varicose veins seem not to be such a big problem. But have you ever wondered when to worry about varicose veins

For example, have you ever woken up because you feel itching in your legs or leg pain? Or do you feel a heaviness in your legs when you walk or sit for long periods? Or maybe in your case, varicose veins are more of an aesthetic problem, and you can’t wear that dress or shorts that you like. So how dangerous or severe is your condition?

Like any condition, you must be aware of the risk factors and periodically monitor that everything is fine. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. The more you know about this condition, the better equipped you will be to make good decisions. So, let’s talk about the signs that could indicate something is not okay with your varicose veins and, therefore, you should seek medical attention.


Signs that indicate when to worry about varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common problem, in fact, more common than you think. Some estimates say 30% to 50% of adults may develop them. And although it is true that statistically, it is more common among women, men can also suffer from this condition. And although it is indeed common, you should not lower your guard since varicose veins could be life-threatening.

Did you know that venous insufficiency is one of the riskiest diseases for health? Why is this the case? It is common for people to have all the symptoms of a varicose complication, but it is overlooked with no severe visible signs and thus may not know when to worry about varicose veins. Therefore, in your case, it is vital to know the signs and thus seek medical help if necessary. 

These are the initial symptoms:

  • Dull, aching pain in your legs or ankles
  • Feeling heavy or tired in the lower extremities
  • Disruption of sleep
  • Swelling and inflammation of your legs

Ignoring some of these symptoms can lead to severe complications. So, if you’re experiencing pain or showing these symptoms, it would be wise to seek medical attention and get evaluated. 


How serious is your problem?

Although varicose veins are often not dangerous, they can present problems the longer you have them or are kept unchecked by a doctor or vein expert. The symptoms or signs mentioned above, including swelling or pain in your legs, may be a clear indicator of a severe problem, especially if these signs come on suddenly without any previous warning or mild symptoms.

The following are some of the complications that could happen if the signs are unattended: 


Varicose veins can form skin ulcers, especially near the ankles. Ulcers are usually caused when the veins fail to pump blood back to the heart, building up pressure. If these are not appropriately treated, they will create excess fluid in the area, causing an open sore to form. A discolored patch of skin is usually seen before an ulcer forms. 

If you notice or think you are developing a leg ulcer, it is time to seek medical help immediately.

Blood clots

Sometimes clots can lodge in deep varicose veins, causing pain and swelling in the legs. As a result, you will experience severe and continuous pain and swelling in the legs. 

A blood clot that breaks away and travels to your lungs could cause a pulmonary embolism. This lung blood clot is a life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical attention. If you have noticed persistent pain or swelling in some of your legs, it is time to seek help, as it may signify a blood clot.


The skin around superficial varicose veins can be fragile and sometimes burst. In other cases, especially for people who have had varicose veins for years, they can develop small or spider veins very close to the surface of your skin in the lower legs. These veins on the surface of your skin can often become prone to minor cuts or wounds. Even drying oneself with a towel can cut open these veins and cause them to bleed. 

When your skin becomes so fragile, it can be extremely risky, especially if the person is asleep and unaware of the bleeding for long periods.

Skin discoloration

Another sign that should not be minimized is skin discoloration. How so? Initially, the skin might turn red, but if left unattended, it could turn brown. At that point, it might cause a feeling of increased temperature and pain in that area. The reason? Such skin discoloration can result from chronic inflammation caused by the elevated pressure in your veins, particularly in the feet and legs.


Take action!

As we already mentioned, the symptoms of this problem vary from a cosmetic issue to a life or death condition. But now you know what the signs are and when to worry about varicose veins. If you consider that you belong to the varicose veins group that could be dangerous, we suggest you take action as soon as possible and start treatment to improve your situation.

If you have experienced any symptoms or warning signs in your legs and varicose veins, you are not alone; there is a solution. 

At Veinco, we are here to help you and answer any questions you may have. We are a clinic with high-quality medical care and affordable vascular therapy prices. We are located in Monterrey, Mexico. You will find Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, the best place for medical tourism.

At Veinco, we are a top-rated Clinic for Varicose Vein Treatment, Spider Veins Treatment, and Vascular Therapy. We are ready to provide our patients with world-class medical care thanks to vein and vascular therapy specialists.

If you have any questions about when to worry about varicose veins, contact us to review your situation. Our medical team will review your case and recommend the best treatment options to relieve your varicose condition. And rest assured that if you decide to trust in us, the results and every effort will be worth it!

Do you want to know more about our extraordinary minimally invasive treatments for varicose veins and spider veins? Don’t hesitate to contact us at  (888) 568-3409, or email us at hello@veinco.com.mx

Hemorrhoid Treatment – Learn Its Causes and Symptoms

Although this is an awkward issue for many, hemorrhoid problems are as common as varicose veins in the legs.

In fact, in the United States, approximately 10 million people suffer from this condition, thus needing hemorrhoid treatment. According to data from the General Hospital in Mexico, about 5% of the population has hemorrhoid problems.

Additionally, it is estimated that 50% of people over the age of 50 have some degree of hemorrhoidal disease but do not know it. And they don’t know about it because they’re afraid to talk about it.

Types of hemorrhoids

Varicose veins are a health problem that can affect both men and women, and, mostly, they can develop in the areas of the legs and feet. However, this condition is the result of vascular problems related to circulation, and the legs or feet are not the only body parts where these swollen veins appear. There are different types of varicose veins, and today we are going to share specifically those that occur in a very rare location, namely, the rectal area.

That’s right, varicose veins that appear in the rectal canal are called hemorrhoids and are also dilated blood vessels. There are two types of hemorrhoids. The first is located internally at the intersection of the anus and rectum. The other is external, which are presented outside this area and are covered by skin.

Hemorrhoids – Causes and Symptoms

It is important to approach a vein specialist as soon as there is any indication that we may be experiencing a hemorrhoidal problem because many myths surrounding this condition only complicate the proper hemorrhoid treatment.

One of the most popular ones is that spicy food causes hemorrhoids. However, there is no evidence to prove that. Yet, it is true that once you have hemorrhoids, doctors recommend avoiding the intake of this type of irritating food not to aggravate the inflammation.

Another problem that results in a lack of clear information is that it can be confused with cancer and generate unnecessary discomfort.

Because the symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as bleeding, difficulty evacuating, and pain, are similar to those that can occur in some cases of malignant tumors in the rectal area, confusion is common, but it can be completely avoidable.

Hemorrhoids are a health problem like any other and, as such, should be treated with a specialist and spoken openly, just like you would approach a varicose vein treatment.

So what are the causes for hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are developed for the same reason as varicose veins in the legs, due to the increase in blood pressure in the veins. They could be similar to varicose vein symptoms such as pain, itching, and even bleeding.

Neglecting to treat this condition can generate a lot of discomfort since most people prefer not to receive care because they consider them very uncomfortable, embarrassing, and even unpleasant to talk about or consult with a vein specialist. Yet, not treating them could increase the risk of your rectal and vascular health.

Therefore, to completely avoid this annoying condition, below we share with you its main causes.

  • Over forcing your body to make a bowel movement
  • Sitting on the toilet for a long time increases the risk
  • Being overweight or obese can lead a person to develop hemorrhoids
  • Lifting very heavy objects; in addition to increase the risk of causing problems such as hernias, this action can
  • provoke the appearance of hemorrhoidal veins

Besides these causes, other factors may provoke them, such as pregnancy, chronic diarrhea, constipation, or constantly using diuretics or laxatives. Although it is not 100% certain for hemorrhoids to occur under these circumstances, the best option is always to monitor your health to be informed of your overall blood flow condition.

Live Varicose Vein and Hemorrhoid FREE!

Consulting with the varicose vein surgeons and vein experts at Vascular Therapy Clinic is a great way to take care of your health. Here you can find personal attention and treatment for hemorrhoids, as well as prevent the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins. Our doctors will be able to do a thorough examination and take care of your health. Schedule your consultation today! Your vascular well-being is our priority.

If you want to learn more, we invite you to read the following blogs:

The Best Compression Stockings

Compression stockings have proven to be invaluable during varicose veins treatments and spider veins treatments.

That’s why finding the right stocking is so important.

Compression stockings, as the name says, gently compress the legs so that blood circulates upwards, and when you have a problem of venous insufficiency, this helps prevent swelling of the legs and gives the desired rest.

There are compression stockings that reach the thigh or waist. Others reach only the knee, and its goal is to restrict swelling when fluid accumulates in the legs’ lower part and improve venous circulation.

They also serve to prevent venous ulcers or the development of blood clots in the legs, especially when used after surgery or have been inactive for a while

However, choosing the right stockings for our problem requires certain specifications that must be dictated by a professional who measures and tests them.

A crucial factor is to measure the patient’s legs when they are the least swollen as possible to choose the right ones accurately.

You may find some over-the-counter stockings of light compression. However, stockings that treat slightly more severe venous insufficiency need to be prescribed by a health care provider and vein specialists.

It’s important to note that some stockings are made to wear all day until going to bed. Others are for all day and all night. Choosing compression stockings without specialist supervision may not give the desired therapeutic benefit or cause side effects.

Additionally, the following are helpful tips so that you can show off your legs anywhere you want.

5 Tips to Keep Your Legs Healthy

When the weather starts to warm up, it is the perfect opportunity to show off healthy and smooth legs with it. Therefore, today we want to give you 5 tips to help you enjoy this season to the fullest without feeling embarrassed about your legs. Test them out!

  • Brushing will become your best friend

Dry brushing is one of the most effective techniques to promote circulation in the lower part of your body. Plus, it can work as an excellent exfoliator and remover of dead cells.

  • There is no such thing as enough water intake

As you well know, drinking at least 2 liters (9 oz glasses) of water daily is necessary to help our bodies perform to 100% of their capacity. This easy habit can make a significant difference in the appearance of your legs. Please don’t wait any longer to incorporate it into your daily life!

  • Goodbye chips, hello fruits

Processed foods are often high in sodium, which is bad for your circulation. Sodium promotes fluid retention, which increases volume in the blood and causes swelling in the lower part of the body, even causing edema.

  • You can win the fight against a sedentary lifestyle

Exercise plays a vital role in the proper circulation and oxygenation of your body. Stay active and try to create a routine, ranging from going out to the park at home to walking for half an hour or, better yet, enrolling in a gym where you are assigned a personalized workout to strengthen your leg muscles.

  • Your doctor, your confidant

If you have any of the following varicose vein symptoms, we suggest visiting a vein specialist:

  • Heaviness
  • Swelling
  • Burning
  • Pain

Varicose veins do not always show visible signs. Yet, their presence can have a considerable impact on your health. That is why we recommend that if you see or feel signs or symptoms of this condition, schedule a consultation for a full assessment at our Vascular Therapy Clinic as soon as possible. Our clinic offers the most cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art methods to treat varicose veins problems with minimally invasive procedures with a team of experts and personalized attention.

Ready to show off your beautiful legs in public? Visit our world-class facilities.

Here are some articles you might like:

How to Prevent Varicose Veins

How Does Digestion Affect Your Vascular Health and Varicose Veins?

How Does Digestion Affect Your Vascular Health and Varicose Veins?

When it comes to varicose veins, we have already discussed the different factors that can cause them to come up with their respective solutions, always emphasizing that the best option is prevention through an examination of your vascular health from our world-class vein specialists.

Regarding the topic at hand, about other conditions that cause varicose veins as a side effect, we come to the problems of digestion and the relevance they have on the health of your veins.

In this article, our vein specialists share some information you should know about gastrointestinal health. We will particularly talk about constipation, its characteristics, why it dilates the veins in the legs, and the best recommendations to solve or prevent this condition. Remember that good digestion will always be synonymous with good overall health.

Constipation is a gastrointestinal complication produced by the decrease in the effectiveness of evacuation processes, thus increasing the pressure of the veins, especially those of the rectum. Consequently, this digestive condition has the same effects on the veins of the lower body, which includes your legs. If it becomes a chronic condition, its results may be quite evident.

This condition is also known as constipation and can occur at any time and to many people of any age. We now know that constipation is part of the factors that cause varicose veins in the legs, and therefore, it is important to consider a few things that can help you avoid poor digestion.

Tips for maintaining a healthy digestion

Keeping a regular intestinal activity is an immense help, and today we wish to share some solutions that you can consider for the benefit of your digestion and, as a result, the health of your legs.

Eating foods high in fiber

Fiber has the primary benefit of facilitating intestinal movement and healthy digestion. Bowel movements are more consistent, and you can process your food better.

Drink plenty of water

For the fiber diet to be effective, we must support it by consuming at least 2 liters (8 oz. cups) daily water. In addition to keeping you well hydrated, it helps you activate blood flow, causing improvements in your digestion. It also helps get rid of toxins that affect your body. Multi-benefits!

Exercise regularly

Physical activity favors intestinal regularization and thus good digestion. Doing 15 to 30 minutes of exercise a day can bring you digestive and cardiovascular benefits, as well as help you maintain a better physical condition and activate your metabolism.

On the other hand, if you are developing spider veins or experiencing varicose vein symptoms, you can follow the following practical recommendations.

Warm Baths to Improve Your Vascular Health

Vascular care will always be essential when caring for your health. Knowing any details and recommendations in that regard that can be implemented is the best way to keep the legs and their circulation in good condition.

An amazingly effective way to care for the venous health of our legs (and even other areas of our body) daily is warm or therapeutic baths. These types of baths that apply only to our legs and feet can be complemented with oils and essences to help relax the tension and help to have a better blood flow.

Here are some tips that you can follow to provide good care to the health of your legs and prevent spider veins and varicose veins symptoms, and at the same time, relax before or after doing all your daily activities.

  • Warm compress with a little vinegar.

Wetting a cloth with warm water and a little vinegar to gently massage the area of the legs where you see spider veins forming or to prevent pain from varicose veins is an excellent option. It is preferable to do it in the evenings after you have finished your everyday activities.

  • Baths

These baths can also be in a tub with salt and apple cider vinegar, only on your legs and feet. You can do them for 20 to 30 minutes in the morning and add a couple of drops of oils such as cypress, geranium, lavender, or chamomile.

During these tub baths for legs and feet, you can also steep in eucalyptus leaves, walnut, and/or nettle. These leaves are excellent for relaxing the body.

Including special salts during these baths for legs and feet is also an excellent option. It is best to alternate this type of bath. In other words, alternate between cold and hot water. The recommended salts should be those from minerals made from rosemary, eucalyptus, and lemon.

Remember that the best way to complement the care your legs need is to attend a consultation where vein specialists can recommend the best treatment for varicose veins.

If You Stay at Home, Stay Active!

The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to face many challenges and modify our routines, both in our personal lives and at work.

Many companies have decided to send their employees to work from home, and although for some it is a dream come true, the truth is that this quarantine can affect your vascular health if the necessary measures are not taken.

It is quite common to fall into a sedentary lifestyle while being in a home office setting. Unfortunately, one of the risk factors for developing chronic venous insufficiency or pain from varicose veins is sitting for a long time.

Of course, other factors are involved in this condition, such as genetics, pregnancy, overweight, or age.
But anything we can do to reduce such risks will be beneficial. For that matter, below, we will share 3 simple exercises that you can do at home to improve your circulation.

  • Imaginary bicycle

It is an exercise that simulates pedaling a bike in the air. Try to pedal for about 30 times and repeat as many times as you want, and of course, take a break between each set.

  • Open and close

Lift and spread your legs. When they are raised, separate them from top to bottom by joining the tips of the feet. Do 20 reps and be patient because, at first, it won’t be easy.

  • Up and down

This exercise consists of doing heel-to-toe push-ups. It is advisable to do it while sitting down. First, support your heels on the floor and raise your toes. Then, lower your toes and raise your heels. Repeat about 20 or 30 times.

Remember that monitoring your health should be a daily priority, and at our Vascular Therapy Clinic, we want to take care of your venous health. Take care of your diet and digestion; consult with a vein specialist for varicose vein treatment or cosmetic treatment since it will always be the best care you can give to your veins, legs, and whole body. Schedule your consultation today! We are waiting for you!
In our blog, you will find more excellent tips and practical information to enjoy fantastic vascular health.