How to Prevent Varicose Veins
The world is experiencing a pandemic that has forced us to modify our social dynamics. For example, many of us may be working at home for a long time. Hence, we will likely spend a lot of time sitting, which presents a risk of up to 75% of triggering or aggravating the problem of varicose veins.
According to data from the Ministry of Health, almost 80% of the population suffers from this condition in Mexico. And you know what, the vast majority think it’s just an aesthetic problem. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Varicose veins are the aesthetic manifestation of a medical problem called chronic venous insufficiency. Basically, this occurs when there is a malfunction of the valves of the blood vessels and, thus, the blood can not overcome the force of gravity in its return to the heart, so it accumulates in the veins, dilates them, and creates those “spider veins” or bluish lumps.
Therefore, it’s a health problem that most health insurance plans cover for varicose veins treatment. The important thing here is that we separate one thing from another and, of course, that we put health above beauty.
If you find that you start to have those spider veins that mostly appear on your legs, you must take prompt action to reduce varicose vein symptoms and pain from varicose veins. Therefore, our vein specialists have put together this practical guide with helpful and simple tips you can follow.
Simple exercises to prevent varicose veins
Few people take the necessary steps to ensure that they do not develop them. Therefore, today we will share a short guide of tips and exercises you can do to prevent this condition from attacking your legs.
- Put on your sneakers, and start running
Due to the low impact of this exercise, we suggest practicing it at least for half an hour, three times a week. It would help if you considered doing it on an ergonomic surface or on the grass to reduce the impact on your feet.
- Forget about the car, start walking
You don’t have to be the fittest person to make walking part of your wellness routine. If you have a treadmill at home, take advantage of it. If you have a park nearby, visit it often. If you are not very keen on running, try to walk more the next time you run an errand. Walking doesn’t take shortcuts, and its benefits are undeniable.
- Hit the rode rolling
Undoubtedly, the bicycle is one of the most complete and effective exercises when it comes to improving your circulation, especially in the lower part of the body. Besides, cycling or spinning is one of the most effective cardiovascular exercises to be in shape and even lose weight, a crucial factor preventing varicose veins from developing in a person’s life.
- Dust off your gym membership
If you have a gym membership, take advantage of it to go work out. Lifting weights can help improve your fitness, especially because it allows your blood to flow freely. Either way, it’s important to keep in mind that doing the wrong way can damage your veins rather than help them. One way to prevent that from occurring is using compression stockings during your workouts.
If you are planning to implement any of these exercises to prevent varicose veins symptoms or control them. In that case, it is important to note that the most effective way to keep varicose veins away is seeing a vein specialist or varicose vein surgeon and schedule an Echo-Doppler diagnostic test, which is an ultrasound that provides a mapping of the damaged varicose veins and then he will suggest varicose vein treatment that eliminates them permanently.
At Vascular Therapy Clinic, you will find a team of experts with the highest credentials who will offer you the advice you need to make the best decision regarding the procedure that best suits you so that unaesthetic and painful varicose veins don’t prevent you from enjoying your life.
Tips to Prevent Pain from Varicose Veins When Traveling
Are you planning to take a trip soon? It is common that after spending a long time sitting on the plane, car, or bus, the circulation of the veins in our legs is affected. That’s why this is a highly practical guide so that, no matter where you are, you keep your legs healthy and free of discomfort.
- Take breaks
After sitting for a long time, try to give your legs a break by standing up and walking even for a short distance, either from your seat to the bathroom or by walking around your seat’s aisle.
- Exercise your calves
If possible, stand up and stretch your calf muscles by standing on your toes. This simple exercise helps to improve blood flow, facilitating the process of going from the lower part of your body to the heart.
- Wear compression stockings
Including compression stockings as part of your outfit can help the correct blood circulation in your legs. Thanks to their anatomical design, compression stockings allow the blood to circulate more freely, preventing the formation of clots and other vascular complications.
- Lift your legs
As soon as you have a moment and have a space, we suggest you raise your legs and leave them raised for a few minutes to help the blood flow to the heart. You can try lying on the floor, sticking your buttocks to a wall, and leaning against it to rest your legs while they remain raised.
Prevent the Heat from Summer from Being Your Enemy
We have talked about some things you can do to take care of our vascular health to prevent those spider veins or varicose veins that can affect the healthy movement of our legs and their aesthetics.
Although this condition can occur at any time and age, there is a season in which the discomfort can intensify, namely, during summer, since the high temperatures trigger the varicose vein symptoms, such as swelling and burning.
As explained by the vein specialist VEINCO, Dr. Gerardo Saldaña Montemayor, a specialist in endovascular surgery, “the heat causes vasodilation or expansion of the veins. Such pressure causes the veins to deteriorate and is one of the many causes of poor circulation, thus causing disorders in the venous return of the lower extremities”.
With the recent summer solstice, it is important to give the necessary care to the health of your veins and optimize their circulation before the heat waves are here. As a result, you will be able to enjoy your favorite summer clothes and look spectacular.
- Avoid prolonged sun exposure. Please take advantage of the time we have to stay inside and give your legs a break from all that usual sun exposure of your day-to-day.
- On the hottest days, you can give cold showers on your legs and apply cold effect gels or creams to relax and release the pressure. At VEINCO, we have excellent options; check our social networks for some suggestions.
- When applying the cold effect gels and/or creams, perform a gentle massage with ascending movements to activate the correct circulation of the legs.
- Avoid wearing tight clothing that can cause pressure on the circulation of the veins.
- A great option is to wear lightweight compression stockings that can keep the pressure on your legs balanced.
Last but not least, don’t neglect your overall health and exercise. Remember that a sedentary life is one of the main factors for developing varicose veins or their deterioration.
Do not forget that consulting with specialists will always be the best solution for varicose veins and spider veins. At VEINCO, we have the latest technology and doctors with the highest credentials to perform the best varicose vein treatments for your vascular health. Visit our world-class facilities!
Please share this information with your friends and send us a message for more details. Also, visit our blog for more practical tips.
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