Laser Varicose Veins Treatment
As you will see on this website, the central objective of varicose vein treatments is to eliminate veins that have degenerated and no longer make a good return of blood to the heart. Continue reading to learn all about the treatments against varicose veins performed with a laser.
There is already much information about multiple treatments available to counteract varicose disease and varicose vein symptoms on the internet. Still, lately, laser varicose vein treatment has gained a lot of popularity, which provides an excellent solution to reticular veins or telangiectasias (spider veins that affect the lens aesthetics).
Many people looking for the best treatment for varicose veins usually think that only surgery can provide a solution, thus requiring a lot of time, effort, and investment.
Yet, a treatment performed with laser, also known as Vascular Laser, uses a much simpler method with optimal results, and that can be an excellent solution to those suffering from aesthetic varicose veins, also known as spider veins. So, what is this procedure performed?
What are the available laser varicose vein treatments?
There are several types of laser vascular treatments. The use of each one depends on the needs of each patient and on the depth of the blood vessels that will be treated. The vascular angiologist specialist may combine several lasers for the treatment, including applying a heat beam on the vein, causing it to clot, become a scar, and close. In many patients, the results are visible instantly. As time passes, this affected vein will disappear when it stops being useful for the blood flow.
It is especially important to have a previous diagnosis of the condition to perform this laser varicose treatment and take into account factors such as the thickness of the skin, the size of the affected vein, etc.
This treatment is minimally invasive. Since it does not involve varicose vein surgery as such, you do not need a prolonged recovery period. In fact, after a few hours, you can continue with your normal daily routine. It is an outpatient treatment that is conducted in several sessions, only with local anesthesia. At Veinco Vascular Vein Specialists, we have the equipment, facilities, and experience to successfully perform any kind of varicose vein treatment to take care of your venous health.
Does laser varicose treatment leave marks?
A laser varicose treatment procedure does not damage your skin, leaves no marks, and does not involve incisions and sutures. These varicose vein treatments are ideal for improving your legs’ beauty and great appearance, but remember that health is the priority.
At Veinco Vascular Specialties, we are ready to provide you with a solution to any vascular disease. Please schedule a consultation today, and let’s take care of your legs together.
What other varicose vein treatments leave no scars?
The treatment against varicose veins is an especially important aspect of our health. Examining the behavior of our blood vessels and taking care of our legs with exercises and massages is a way to prevent the appearance of varicose veins.
But when the first signs of varicose veins begin to appear, it is important to know in detail the treatments that can help restore your vascular health. Treating venous insufficiency as soon as possible is ideal since the symptoms are usually minor, and the appearance of varicose veins is minimal. Therefore, the varicose vein removal treatment to be followed will be quite simple and effective.
Some cosmetic treatments can help remove those little spider veins that appear in any area of the legs, and we will talk a little more about one, in particular, sclerotherapy.
Sclerotherapy – A vascular treatment that leaves no marks or scars
A vein specialist performs this treatment and applies shots with an exceptionally fine narrow needle to improve the aesthetic appearance of spider veins, which are purple or red varicose veins located in specific small areas. Thus, providing relief from varicose vein symptoms such as pain, burning, swelling, and cramps. Each treatment usually results in the removal of 50 to 80 percent of the injected veins, which proves its effectiveness.
It is a 100% safe treatment in the hands of the best vascular specialists, as the ones found at VEINCO By Vascular Therapy Clinic. You can continue with your normal routine very soon after you have undergone this simple procedure.
Although sclerotherapy is an excellent and amazingly effective treatment for the remedy of superficial varicose veins, this alone does not relieve the root disease or the varicose vein causes, so it is highly recommended to complement the solution with a comprehensive treatment that makes recover the health of your legs completely.
After being a sclerotherapy patient, certain care should be followed, such as avoiding some medications, anti-inflammatories, creams, and wearing comfortable clothes that allow good circulation. It is only a matter of making the determination to enjoy improved vascular health and go to an examination with the VEINCO team and varicose vein surgeons. Remember that before performing any type of treatment on the varicose disease, you must know what your condition is and know what type of procedure is right for you.
Therefore, schedule your consultation today. Remember that if you have Health Insurance, you can get a great deal and excellent financing plans.
Decide now to improve your health and beauty! Contact us
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